Monday, December 10, 2012

Happy Monday! DIY Gradient Bulletin Board

Start your week off with a fun and easy DIY project! Accessorize your workspace with a colorful gradient bulletin board, all you need is a few simple things...
  • a covered workspace
  • a cork board (with a frame or without)
  • 2 square head paint brushes
  • painters tape (if your cork board has a frame)
  • long ruler or yard stick and pencil
  • a plastic plate to mix color
  • 2 shades of your choice of color of acrylic paint ex) teal and green
  • white acrylic paint
  • bowl of water  
1. Tape the frame of the cork board so not to get paint on it.

2. Measure the width (the long side) of the cork board and divide by 4, then mark each 4th on the paint tape.  Next, measure the height (the short side) and divide by 2, then mark the middle of the long side. Repeat on all four sides.

3. Take your long ruler match up the opposite sides and draw a straight line across the board with a pencil.

4. Pick your favorite color out of the two, this will be your dominant color. Make a few splotches of on the plate for mixing.

5. Start at the top left square, paint with the color straight from the bottle.  For the next box, add 3-4 squirts of white to make a lighter shade of teal. Continue this method for the 3rd and 4th square, if the shades aren't light enough add more white until you can see a difference. Make sure to keep the colors separate, don't add onto the previous color because you need to make enough to add a 2nd coat, so the color is even when it dries.  

 3. For the second row of color, use the same mixtures from the top row but add 1-2 squirts of green to each color to change the shades just slightly. 

4. Paint the coordinating colors on the opposite site of the first row. Again, make enough mixture for 2 layers.

 5. Once complete let dry with the painters tape on for 1 hour.

6. Once dry you can add your push-pins and VoilĂ ! Hang on your wall in your kitchen or next to your desk and you've got a pretty bulletin board!

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