Sunday, October 7, 2012

What's your style?

A curious blogger commented on one of my previous blog posts with a question, “What if you have neither fashion nor style?” The post that spawned this question was the quote by the queen of fashion herself, Coco Chanel, “Fashion Fades, only style remains the same…”

In response, it’s important to first understand the difference between fashion and style.

Fashion, is like a storm…it brews, spreads like wildfire, hits a peak, then disappears as if it never happened.

Style, however, is what defines who we are to others forever, in the memories we leave behind and in the present… Has anyone ever told you, “This shirt looks just like you,” or “I saw this cute shop and it made me think of you,” … That’s because we as individuals express our personalities through the way we look, act, and project ourselves in the various aspects of our life…fashion, hairstyles, makeup, our homes, the restaurants we choose to go to, the books we read, etc.

Most people think they have no “style” because their clothes aren’t on the latest trend or their hairstyle has been the same for the last 10 years. But it isn’t the clothes that are “in fashion” that make your style, it’s the shade of lipstick you always turn to when you get dressed up, or the sunglasses you have in three different colors in the same style because they look the best on your face.

Whether it be very simple or very chic, the important thing to remember when you are putting on your favorite pair of jeans or go-to your ballet flats, is that these are the things that make your style you.

My challenge to you is this, look at your wardrobe, your makeup, your house and analyze the colors, patterns, and styles that you seem to always turn to. Put them together and soon you’ll start to notice a pattern. Does your style reflect who you are? Remember that style can evolve over time, but it should always stay true to your personality.

Here are some examples of Style Achievers...

Karl 1/ Karl 2 / Karl 3 / Karl 4/ Karl 5 /Jackie 1/ Jackie 2 /CBK1/ CBK2/ CBK 3/ CBK 4

1 comment:

  1. I like your challenge. I will be taking a mental inventory to see what my style has been, and what I want it to be.
